Could a Vitamin Deficiency Cause or Worsen Your Type II Diabetes

Could a Vitamin Deficiency In Temecula CA Cause or Worsen Your Type II Diabetes?

Could a Vitamin Deficiency Cause or Worsen Your Type II Diabetes

It certainly could. Type II Diabetes is defined as a metabolic disorder characterized by high blood sugar, insulin resistance and lack of insulin. However, aside from a blood sugar metabolism problem, it is also an inflammatory problem. Therefore, inflammation must be quelled in order to control or improve Type II Diabetes. It has been found that during the early stages of Type II Diabetes, pancreatic tissue is invaded by macrophages, a type of inflammatory cell, causing lack of insulin production which leads to excess blood sugar. Therefore, a vicious cycle ensues with more inflammation, causing more insulin resistance, and causing more sugar to accumulate in the blood, eventually leading to Type II Diabetes. Vitamins are important for optimal health.

While certain vitamins are present in the foods we eat, we may not be getting enough, so vitamin supplementation is necessary. In Type II Diabetes, there are research studies which have found that deficiencies in certain vitamins may play a role in its onset, and reversing these deficiencies may help control its progression. In our office we find that vitamin deficiencies are present in every diabetic patient that we have seen. Once we address these deficiencies in our patients they start having increased energy, lower blood sugar readings and decreased inflammation. Contact our Temecula CA chiropractor for more information.

Vitamin deficiencies we commonly see in Temecula CA

Magnesium: Insulin and glucose regulate metabolism of magnesium. High levels of glucose in the blood increase loss of magnesium in the urine. Therefore, low magnesium intake and increased urinary magnesium loss are important factors that may contribute to depleted magnesium levels in persons with Type II Diabetes. Magnesium supplementation is useful in people with Type II Diabetes to improve insulin resistance, oxidative stress and inflammation. According to new research from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, high magnesium intake is strongly correlated with reduced Type II Diabetes risk.

Vitamin B12: B12 is important for a healthy nervous system. B12 levels are depleted with use of Metformin, one of the most commonly prescribed drug for Type II Diabetes. Therefore, prolonged use and higher dose of Metformin is associated with low vitamin B12 levels. A potential side effect of diabetes is neuropathy, or nerve damage, causing symptoms of numbness, weakness and pain in the hands and feet. Diabetic neuropathy is caused by excess glucose in the blood for a prolonged period of time. B12 is necessary to support the nervous system, particularly in Type II Diabetics, in order to avoid diabetic neuropathy.

Vitamin A: The pancreas has beta-cells which produce the blood-sugar-regulating hormone, insulin. Research studies have shown that a vitamin A deficiency could lead to the death of beta cells, which then stops the production of insulin, causing excessive accumulation of sugar in the blood. This leads to insulin resistance, a precursor to Type II Diabetes.

Vitamin D: Research suggests that Vitamin D improves the body’s sensitivity to insulin, causing decreased blood sugar levels. A study found that severe vitamin D deficiency is associated with higher A1C levels. Therefore, low vitamin D levels can be linked to poor diabetes control.


  1. Vitamin A deficiency causes hyperglycemia and loss of pancreatic β-cell mass, Lorraine Gudas, et al., The Journal of Biological Chemistry, doi: 10.1074/jbc.M114.616763, published online 1 December 2014.
  2. Vitamin D: Emerging new roles in insulin sensitivity. Teegarden, D., Donkin, S.S., Res. Rev. 2009; 22:82-92pmid:19555519. Association of A1C levels with vitamin D status in U.S. adults: data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Kositsawat, JMDM, et al., Diabetes Care 2010; 33:1236-1238pmid:20215453.
  3. Vitamin D deficiency: A worldwide problem with health consequences. Holick, M.F. & Chen, T.C. (2008). American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 87(Suppl.), 1080S-1086S.
  4. Magnesium and Type 2 Diabetes. Mario Barbagallo, Ligia J. Dominguez., World Journal of Diabetes August 25, 2015; 6(10); 1152-1157.
  5. Vitamin B12 levels in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus on Metformin. K.S. Akinlade, et al. Annals of IB Postgraduate Medicine, December 2015; 13(2); 79-83.

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